The Physician’s Foundation has launched the Let’s Take Five campaign, aimed at giving doctors resources to discuss social determinants of health (SDOH) and incorporate SDOH screening into their clinical practice. The campaign includes two resources outlining key steps for SDOH communication and tips for implementing screenings for the five most common SDOHs. The Foundation has also awarded grants to five medical associations that offer resources tailored to implementing SDOH screening. The campaign seeks to empower physicians to address patient needs related to SDOH.
The Physician’s Foundation has launched the Let’s Take Five campaign to provide doctors with the necessary resources to discuss social determinants of health (SDOH) and implement SDOH screening into their clinical practice. The Physician’s Foundation has found that physicians face barriers to implementing SDOH screening in their practice, such as a lack of time and resources. The campaign aims to give doctors the tools and verbiage needed to incorporate SDOH screening into their clinical practice.
The first resource of the Let’s Take Five campaign outlines ways healthcare organizations can train providers to discuss social determinants of health with patients. This resource lays out five key steps to guide SDOH communication, including preparation, building rapport, being empathetic, encouraging confidence, and offering immediate next steps. The second resource gives tips for implementing screenings for the five most common social determinants of health: food security, housing stability, transportation access, utility access, and interpersonal safety.
The campaign aims to provide doctors with the support and resources they need to address challenges related to social determinants of health. Gary Price, MD, president of The Physicians Foundation, stated, “Physicians must be given the support and resources they need to address these challenges.” The Physicians Foundation is committed to providing solutions and strategies for physicians to not only have the ability to address their patient’s needs but also be empowered to do so.
In addition to launching this SDOH educational campaign, The Physician’s Foundation has announced five grantees that are helping to further SDOH screening at the provider level. Awards went to medical associations that are offering specialized resources to healthcare organizations tailored to implementing SDOH screening. The grantees include the Arizona Medical Association, the Center for a Healthy Maryland, the Foundation of the Pennsylvania Medical Society, the Indiana Medical Foundation, and the Maine Medical Education Trust.
These five medical associations are leading the way to ensure that physicians and their teams have the tools they need to improve patients’ lives. Through the development of new resources and programs, the Physician’s Foundation is working to make tailored patient care easier and more effective. Together, they will continue to be catalysts for change so that patients’ health and well-being are no longer dependent on the five key types of drivers of health.