UnitedHealthcare has launched a new rewards programme, offering up to $1,000 for members who meet a range of daily and longer-term wellness goals. The UnitedHealthcare Rewards program aims to address the challenges of declining popularity and mixed results from financial incentives in wellness programmes. The new programme offers members more choices, expands the definition of wellness to include sleep, mindfulness, and nutrition goals, and reorients the timeline for members’ goals. UnitedHealthcare also integrated the rewards programme into its existing apps and offers clients more flexibility.
UnitedHealthcare, a major payer organization, recently launched a new rewards program to incentivize members to use its fitness and wellness programs. The program is designed to encourage members to take charge of their health and is available to members and their spouses through certain employer-sponsored health plans. Participants can earn up to $1,000 for achieving a wide range of daily and longer-term wellness goals. The UnitedHealthcare Rewards program aims to address the challenges faced by wellness programs, such as declining popularity and mixed results from financial incentives.
Expanding Members’ Choices
The new financial rewards program is centered on giving members more choices. Previous wellness programs were primarily focused on fitness goals, but UnitedHealthcare wanted to expand the definition of “wellness” to include other activities. The UnitedHealthcare Rewards program allows members to earn rewards for achieving goals related to fitness, sleep, mindfulness, and nutrition. The program also incorporates technology advancements by allowing members to track their progress using various types of devices, such as Apple watches, Fitbits, Garmins, and other electronics.
Restructuring Program Goals
The UnitedHealthcare Rewards program was designed to maintain wellness momentum by reorienting the timeline for members’ goals. Instead of setting long-term goals, the program emphasizes daily goals, which are easier to achieve and maintain. Members can earn rewards for activities such as walking 5,000 steps in a day or doing an activity for 15 minutes or more each day. Pursuing smaller, daily goals instead of weekly or monthly goals may increase the chances of long-term success.
Simplifying Rewards Programs
Digital health is streamlining the consumer experience, and UnitedHealthcare wanted to create an easier way for members to engage with their rewards. The payer integrated its rewards program into its existing apps, making it simple and easy for members to get activated and engaged. Members can download the mobile app, consent to share wearable data with UnitedHealthcare, and earn rewards for engaging in healthy behavior seamlessly.
Offering Rewards That Deliver Better Value
UnitedHealthcare members can receive anywhere from $300 to $1,000 annually in rewards based on their wellness. The incentive amount is determined by regulatory and tax boundaries and offers clients more flexibility. Numerous laws govern wellness program incentives, and some plans cannot offer rewards greater than $300, while others can offer up to $1,000. Additionally, offering prepaid debit cards can have certain tax implications.
UnitedHealthcare’s new rewards program aims to encourage wellness by giving members more choices, redefining wellness, and restructuring program goals. The program offers rewards for achieving daily and longer-term wellness goals and incorporates technology advancements. By focusing on expanding members’ options, simplifying rewards programs, and offering rewards that deliver better value, UnitedHealthcare hopes to improve wellness program participation and outcomes.